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Protect Yourself from Recent Smishing Attacks


Protect Yourself from Recent Smishing Attacks

There is recent news regarding Virginia banks and credit unions as targets with a SMS text message scam. This attack involves customers receiving a text message pretending to be a Virginia area bank in an attempt to scare people into clicking the link and logging into a fake bank website.

These maliciously collected banking credentials can be used to take over your bank account.

Actions you can take:

  • Protect your personal accounts – all phone numbers are at risk of being targeted and the attackers hope they will reach someone that happens to have a bank account for the institution being spoofed. Don’t fall for it!
    • Use unique passwords for online accounts. Any passwords captured, could be used to attempt logins to other banks and email accounts. Enable Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for critical websites as another layer of protection.
    • If you do fall for it: immediately reset your password, notify your bank representative, and continue to monitor your account for unusual login activity.

Continue to stay current and aware of how to protect yourself here.

What is smishing?

You may have heard of “phishing,” but what is “smishing”?
There are actually a few ways cyber criminals try and target individuals to steal their credentials. The names for how your data is collected are tied to the methods they use:

  • Phishing: fraudulent emails and websites with false links or attachments
  • Vishing: fraudulent phone calls designed to have victims reveal personal information
  • Smishing: fraudulent text messages posing as a reliable source sending false links or attachments. They may request personal, sensitive information.

What should you look for in Smishing Attempts